Luisa da Rocha
Independent Artist | Exhibition Commission-Curator | Museology Consultant
Luisa da Rocha is a commissioner-curator of exhibitions, and is a consultant in museology and museography, art and multimedia. Performs project management, planning and implementation of exhibition projects.
Commission-curator for the exhibitions Aristides de Sousa Mendes: Reasons of Humanity [SGPCM, 2020-22], Aristides de Sousa Mendes: Reasons of Humanity [IPL, 2023]. Curator for the exhibitions Viva Manta! [SNBA, 2022-23], Moita Macedo Poeta Pintor [ReitoriaUL, 2023-24]. Curator and Exhibition Project for Il fanatico per la musica: the Count of Farrobo and the Theatre of Laranjeiras [SGEC, 2022-23], which received an APOM 2024 Award.
In 2019-20 worked on the International Art Project named INELIGIBLE, with the San Francisco State University and the International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture of Santo Tirso, within the scope of contemporary art and archaeology.
Luisa da Rocha is an independent artist, and her work has been exhibited, and is included in several museums and private collections.
Award-winning works of art, such as NIGHT and NEPTUNE [Teixeira de Pascoaes Art Contest 2016-17], TEMPUS#21 [DGS 2020 Prize]. Art works exhibited in galleries and museums, such as ENJOY THE SILENCE [2nd Ed Prize Paula Rego 2017, House of Stories], OGENUS#8 [MIEC, 2020], TEMPUS#98 [SNBA, 2022], TEMPUS#20 and TEMPUS#21 [AveiroArte,2022], TEMPUS#98b [SNBA, 2023], TEMPUS#2021a [Fund Dionisio Pinheiro/Agueda, 2024], MADAME HILDA [Museu Aristides Sousa Mendes,2024], OGENUS#26 [SNBA, 2024], TEMPUS#00 [Ghent/Belgium, 2024], TEMPUS#2021 [Viseu, 2025], TEMPUS#24 [Bienal International Alentejo, 2025].
Master's Degree in Museology and Museography at Fine Arts University of Lisbon [FBAUL], Bachelor of Arts and Sciences Heritage at FBAUL, PMP® certified by PMI® since 2006. Currently is collaborator at CIEBA [Fine Arts Research Centre of Studies] and has been doing research for the PhD in Sciences of Art.
Volunteer in social responsibility.